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EVE IWG prioritization discussion points (xls)
Document EVE-06-04
30 May 2013
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
5. | Information-sharing presentations and results from research activities completed since EVE 5

Two EV information-sharing presentations were made during the EVE-6 meeting that overlapped with priority areas of interest identified by the group in Reference Guide development (EVE-06-04e).

First, Denis Naberezhnykh (Senior ITS Consultant, Sustainable Mobility Group, TRL, United Kingdom) presented on the impact of inductive charging of electric buses on the distribution network (EVE-06-06e). The presentation was well received and some follow-up questions were posed concerning practicality of plug-in charging, wireless charging during motion, and types of bus routes.

Second, Jean-Pol Wiaux (Director General, Recharge, The European Association for Advanced Rechargeable Batteries, Belgium) presented on Service Life Parameters of lithium ion batteries (EVE-06-05e). This presentation was also well received with a few follow-up questions concerning the impact of temperature of storage on range, costs, and battery chemistries.

ACTION 5: The Secretary will follow-up with Mr. Wiaux concerning cold temperature data for inclusion in Reference Guide analysis.

6. | Reference Guide Development

b. Discussion: Analysis of guide information in the context of conclusions and recommendations to the GRPE

Using document EVE-06-04e, EVE IWG Prioritization Discussion Points, the Chair informed participants that the intent of the document was to prioritize issues identified during the Reference Guide questionnaire completion phase that could be suitable for focusing the conclusions and recommended areas for future work in the Guide; such conclusions and recommendations could include the development of a gtr. Priority areas may also be used to identify where future EV testing and data gathering efforts could be focused.

The Chair sequentially went through each issue identified in the document, asking participants to provide comments and indicate if they do not agree with the inclusion any of the issues in the priority list. EV energy efficiency and range (issue 1) and EV battery performance and durability (issue 2) were noted to be higher priority items than regulatory incentives, regulatory standards and EV charging (issues 3 – 5). Participants were requested to submit any relevant EV data and/or literature to support the development of Guide conclusions and recommendations.

Concerning issue 1.a., Cabin heating, the group was asked if anyone could confirm that this issue would be covered in the WLTP gtr phase 2; as no confirmation was given, the Secretary agreed to follow-up with the WLTP IWG.

Concerning issue 1.b., Air Conditioning, It was noted by the Mobile Air Conditioning IWG Chair that EVs are not included in their proposal. Andrew Oneski (Canada) clarified that Zeolite is a thermal storage chemical that can be used to improve efficiency. There were no comments concerning issue 1.c. and d. With respect to issue 1.e., road gradient, the Chair asked the group whether EV test cycles and procedures are reflective of regenerative energy captured over the tests. No answer or comments were made.

During discussion of issue 1.f., energy equivalency conversion methods, it was suggested by China to consider adding energy consumption limits. The Chair noted that this was more of a regional issue, and that to set an energy consumption threshold would be outside of the EVE IWG mandate. A representative from Ford and Christoph Albus (Germany) supported the EVE Chair in his view and do not support limit value discussions.

Concerning issue 2), there were no comments or discussion on a) battery durability effect on range and b) potential battery durability effect on kWh/km. For issue 2c) battery performance effect on emissions, there was some discussion about certification of electric-only range by EV manufacturers.

There was limited discussion on regulatory incentives and regulatory standards (issues 3 and 4). There was brief discussion as to whether EV charging (issue 5) should be moved up in the priority list as it is linked to vehicle performance. Christoph Albus (Germany) clarified that charging is not under the WP.29 mandate, but the effects of charging on vehicle performance do need to be considered; the Secretary noted performance-related charging issues would be integrated into issues 1 and 2.

A clarification was made by the Chair in response to a question from OICA about the origin of the issues in the document; the issues were derived from the attributes outlined in the questionnaire submitted to contracting parties for completion (EVE-05-03e).

As a result of this discussion the document EVE-06-04e, EVE IWG Prioritization Discussion Points, was accepted in principle by the EVE IWG.

ACTION 6: The Secretary will follow-up with the WLTP IWG to identify which issues in document EVE-06-04e, EVE IWG Prioritization Discussion Points, will be addressed by the WLTP gtr in phase 2.

ACTION 7: All EVE participants were requested to submit as soon as possible any relevant EV data and/or literature to support the development of the Reference Guide conclusions and recommendations. The Secretary will include this request in the EVE-7 meeting invitation.

ACTION 8: The Secretary will integrate performance-related charging issues into priority issues 1 and 2 for drafting of the reference guide.

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