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Draft UN Regulation on emergency-call services
Document WP.29-160-35
25 June 2013

Presentation on Russian expectations for its proposed new UN Regulation to govern the approval of in-vehicle emergency call devices.

Submitted by Minpromtorg
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.15. Proposal to develop a new UN Regulation on e-call systems

74. The representative of the Russian Federation gave a presentation (WP.29-160-35) justifying the proposal for a new UN Regulation on e-call systems (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2013/67). The representative of EU informed WP.29 that the European Commission had presented a proposal to develop a regulation on this matter. He welcomed the idea to develop an international regulation in this area. He suggested that GRSG be in charge of the development of such a Regulation, to be annexed to the 1958 Agreement, and supported the establishment on an IWG. The representative of the United Kingdom expressed his willingness to support this initiative, but stated that the provisions of the UN Regulation should be technologically neutral to allow innovation. The delegation of Japan stated that, although his country was in the research phase, he supported the observations made by the representative of the United Kingdom and added that the solutions should be applicable worldwide.

75. The representative of OICA noted that various countries and regions had already expressed interest for emergency call systems. Therefore, OICA generally welcomes any effort to reach harmonized provisions in the framework of the 1958 Agreement, including a detailed analysis of the appropriate scope and technical requirements by an expert group, taking also into account that a number of the technical specifications and test procedures needed to be developed. He added that OICA was prepared to actively contribute to the development of the UN Regulation as proposed by the Russian Federation. He pointed out that other stakeholders needed to be consulted, since not only motor vehicles are involved. Finally, he invited Contracting Parties to review and possibly adapt their regulatory plans to avoid the introduction of non-harmonized specifications and stressed the urgency to finalize the UN Regulation.

76. WP.29 agreed that GRSG should develop the new UN Regulation and, given the time constraints, authorized that an IWG on automatic emergency call system start work on this subject under the chairmanship of the Russian Federation, Mr. Denis Zagarin (e-mail: WP.29 invited all interested experts to inform Mr. Kaganov (Deputy Director of Department, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Russian Federation) (e-mail: on their interest and intention to participate in the IWG and to provide him detailed information on the subject as soon as possible.

Relates to UN R144 |