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WP.29 biennial evaluation for 2012-2013 and programme of work for 2014-2015
Document WP.29/2013/38
20 June 2013
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
2.5. | Biennial evaluation for 2012–2013 and programme of work for 2014 – 2015 and for 2014– 2018

26. The Secretary reported that ITC had approved guidelines for the biennial evaluation and the programme of work (ECE/TRANS/2010/10/Rev.1, ECE/TRANS/2012/9/Rev.1). On the basis of these documents, he had prepared the biennial evaluation and the programme of work of the World Forum (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2013/5 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2013/38). WP.29 agreed in general with the proposals and requested the secretariat to update both documents with the decisions taken during the current session and those expected for the November 2013 session. WP.29 noted that the biennial evaluation and the programme of work should be transmitted to the Inland Transport Committee (ITC) for final approval.