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Draft text of the proposed GTR on light vehicle emissions and fuel efficiency (WLTP)
Document GRPE-66-02
21 May 2013
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
2. Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedures (WLTP)

4. Following a brief introduction from the GRPE Chair and the Technical Secretary of the WLTP informal working group, the draft manager of the WLTP UN GTR presented GRPE-67-07, outlining the development of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2013/13 and describing the amendments proposed in GRPE-67-04-Rev.1.

6. GRPE adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2013/13, as amended by GRPE-67-04- Rev.1, and requested the secretariat to submit the adopted proposal to WP.29 and AC.3 for consideration at their March 2014 session. GRPE also adopted GRPE-67-05-Rev.3, as reproduced in Annex II of the session report, including explicit references to GRPE-68-03 and GRPE-68-04 in paragraphs 51 and 73, respectively. The Chair of GRPE expressed his appreciation for the contribution of all experts that took part in the WLTP UN GTR development.

3. (a) Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedures (WLTP)

13. The secretary of the WLTP informal subgroup on the Development of the Harmonized driving Cycle (DHC) introduced GRPE-66-34, containing the report on the progress made since January 2013. Having stated that almost all open issues were successfully closed, he reported that DHC successfully developed the harmonized test cycles, including the downscale procedure (even if the downscale calculation formula requires finalization after correcting minor issues), the mode construction, and the gear shift prescription (notwithstanding continued work for its improvement). A draft final report on the development of the Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Cycle (WLTC) is already available and will be included in the Technical Report.

16. Reporting on the development of the WLTP regulatory text, the DTP Chair explained that a draft UN GTR was uploaded to the UNECE website prior to the GRPE session (GRPE-66-02). He recalled that there are a number of major open drafting points and outlined the schedule of forthcoming meetings and milestones for the completion of the drafting work. He specified that: (i) the analysis of results emerging from the GRPE discussion will be completed before end of June 2013; (ii) a meeting for the solution of outstanding issues is foreseen for the end of June 2013 in Brussels; (iii) the draft UN GTR will be circulated to WLTP members in early July 2013; (iv) a drafting group meeting will take place between 19 July 2013 and the last week of July 2013; (v) the finalisation of the draft of the UN GTR will be completed before the submission deadline for the working documents of the November 2013 session of GRPE. WP.29 is then expected to consider the text in March 2014. On the content of the regulatory text, he confirmed that the UN GTR will include an explanatory section (part A). A technical report on the UN GTR will be available as an informal document for the November 2013 session of GRPE.

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WLTP Draft 28.08.13
Relates to GTR No. 15 |