Proposal for editorial correction to document GRE/2012/42 |
Reference Number: GRE-68-02/Rev.2 |
This document contains editorial corrections to document GRE/2012/42 to amend the geometric visibility provisions of Regulations No. 3, 6, 7, 48, 77 and 91 following a review with the GRE secretariat to ensure that the proposal aligns with the latest state of the regulations. |
Submitted by: GTB |
Document date: 07 Nov 12 |
Document status: Superseded |
Relevant to UN Regulation No. 6 | Direction Indicators, UN Regulation No. 3 | Retro-reflecting Devices, UN Regulation No. 7 | Position, Stop and End-outline Lamps, UN Regulation No. 48 | Installation of Lighting and Lighting-Signalling Equipment, UN Regulation No. 77 | Parking Lamps, and UN Regulation No. 91 | Side-Marker Lamps. |
View full document file for more information |
Proposal for Collective Amendments to Regulations Nos. 6 and 7 |
Reference Number: GRE/2012/41 |
Proposal from the Working Party “Brussels 1952” (GTB) to amend the provisions concerning the requirements for geometric visibility of devices for adaptive rear lighting. |
Submitted by: GTB |
Document date: 28 Aug 12 |
Document status: Superseded |
Relevant to UN Regulation No. 6 | Direction Indicators and UN Regulation No. 7 | Position, Stop and End-outline Lamps. |
View full document file for more information |
Proposal for collective amendments to Regulations Nos. 3, 6, 7, 48, 77 and 91 |
Reference Number: GRE/2012/42 |
Proposal from the Working Party “Brussels 1952” (GTB) to amend the geometric visibility provisions. |
Submitted by: GTB |
Document date: 28 Aug 12 |
Document status: Superseded |
Relevant to UN Regulation No. 3 | Retro-reflecting Devices, UN Regulation No. 7 | Position, Stop and End-outline Lamps, UN Regulation No. 6 | Direction Indicators, UN Regulation No. 48 | Installation of Lighting and Lighting-Signalling Equipment, UN Regulation No. 77 | Parking Lamps, and UN Regulation No. 91 | Side-Marker Lamps. |
View full document file for more information |
Text as adopted by the Working Party on Lighting and Light Signalling (GRE) at its 68th session concerning the requirements for geometric visibility of devices for adaptive rear lighting. It is based on documents GRE/2012, GRE/2012/42, both amended during the session.
GRE-68-02/Rev.2 | |
GRE/2012/41 | |
GRE/2012/42 |