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UN R0: Some thoughts about the Unique Identifier
Document GRSP-74-26
1 December 2023
Submitted by CITA
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
23. (b) | UN Regulation No. 0 (International Whole Vehicle Type Approval)

43. GRSP resumed discussion on the Unique Identifier (UI) marking. The expert from CITA, introduced GRSP-74-26, to clarify the concept of UI. The expert from the Netherlands expressed the general opinion that UI was needed in the UN Regulations under the remit of GRSP. He therefore suggested, as previously stated by the expert from Spain (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/73, paragraph 55), that amending the 1958 Agreement would be more viable than amending each UN Regulations to prohibit UI. The expert from OICA agreed with the expert from the Netherlands. Finally, GRSP adopted GRSP-73-58 tabled by the experts from CITA and agreed to send it to the IWG on Database for the Exchange of Type Approval documentation as the final deliberation of GRSP on this subject.

Relates to UN R0 |