44. GRE noted that the Inland Transport Committee (ITC), at its February 2023 session, had decided to develop a climate change mitigation strategy and requested its subsidiary bodies to provide inputs. WP.29, at its June 2023 session, had mandated its Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) to take the lead in preparing a coordinated WP.29 response and had requested other GRs to send their contributions to GRPE. GRE took note of the GRs activities on the ITC climate change mitigation strategy (GRE-89-27).
45. In this context, the expert of IEC highlighted the advantages of the LED technology (including “LED retrofits”) for power consumption and reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GRE-89-22). The expert of GTB mentioned their ongoing study on power consumption, the results of which would be reported to the next session of GRE.