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DETA informal group: Report from the 48th session
Document WP.29-191-17
13 November 2023
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.5. | Development of an electronic database for the exchange of type approval documentation (DETA)

97. The representative from Germany, Chair of the IWG on DETA, presented (WP.29-191-18) the report to the World Forum related to the use of DETA and also updating WP.29 on the work of the IWG at its forty-eighth session, held on 9 November 2023. He laid out the current state of play, noting the number of approvals uploaded. He reported that one Authority was using the new DETA functionality “Mass Upload”. He explained that the group started implementing the decision of WP.29 regarding the provision of an access to technical service, noting practical difficulties in special cases such as the case where a manufacturer is also a technical service. He detailed activities of the IWG related to the implementation of Unique Identifier (UI), acknowledging the feedback received from most of the WP.29 subsidiary bodies on the limited benefits of UI (with the exception of small components). He inquired if GRE would need UI implemented or if an alternative could be found. Similar views and questions on the use of UI were also raised by the representative of CITA (WP.29-191-15).

98. The expert from Finland, Chair of GRE, stated that an alternative might be possible and agreed to consult GRE at its next session on this issue.

99. WP.29 invited GRE to reflect on it and consider the UI marking for the relevant UN Regulations taking into account all potential consequences including implementation costs and to consider alternative marking solutions (e.g. simplified ‘E-marking’).

100. WP.29 agreed to resume discussion on a way forward with the UI marking concept, at its next session.

101. The World Forum thanked Germany for continuing to host DETA.

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