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Japanese proposal on R51 limit values
Document GRB-55-10
7 February 2012

JASIC presentation in support of Japanese positions for the 03 series of the UN regulation on vehicle noise (UN R51). The presentation addresses a three-stage, six-year transition to more stringent noise limitations and proposes additional vehicle subcategories.

Submitted by JASIC
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
3. (b) | New sound limit values

7. The expert from Japan made a presentation (GRB-55-10) to introduce GRB-55-01 as an alternative proposal of new limits to GRB-54-03. The proposal received some comments. GRB agreed to resume discussion on this subject on the basis of a concrete proposal of amendments to UN Regulation No. 51 tabled by the expert from Japan.

Relates to UN R51 |