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EVE informal group status report to GRPE
Document GRPE-89-36
1 June 2023
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9. (b) Other activities of IWG on EVE

73. The representative from the US, Co-Chair of the IWG on EVE presented the status report introducing the latest activities of the group (GRPE-89-36). The Chair reminded the request made by China at the March 2023 session of WP.29 to amend the title of UN GTR No. 22 to clearly reflect the fact that it refers only to light-duty vehicles.

74. He also congratulated the IWG on EVE for the clear and ambitious timeline on heavy-duty battery durability activities. The Chair of the IWG on EVE praised the strong collaborative atmosphere in the group to strive for swift delivery of important legislative provisions needed all over the globe.

Relates to GTR No. 21 | GTR No. 22 | HD EV Battery Durability |