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A-LCA informal group status report to GRPE
Document GRPE-89-34
31 May 2023
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
14. Automotive Life Cycle Assessment (A-LCA)

97. The Chair of the IWG on A-LCA introduced GRPE-89-34. The representative of the US supported the sub-group and level approaches considered. He reminded the US position explained in GRPE-86-38, requesting to avoid publishing interim results. He raised concerns about potential misinterpretation in case of publication of interim results. He also agreed to review the level approach and provide feedback.

98. The Chair of the IWG on A-LCA confirmed at forthcoming meeting expected on 10 July 2023 to review a complete image of the levelling concepts of each sub-group. He also informed about nomination process to participate to sub-groups, leaving the door opened for more participants to join.

99. The representative of the US trusted the A-LCA leadership to address the US requests.

100. The Chair highlighted the importance to also raise important messages to GRPE in this new topic tackled by GRPE.

101. The representative of CLEPA confirmed a phased approach to publish results might be appropriate in order to accommodate the US concerns, to make progress is made even though the full lifecycle is not complete, for example through a cradle-to-gate approach, where a strong need had already been identified.

102. The representative of the US also requested to pay close attention to the robustness and quality of the data that would feed the methodology for the different levels, which was likely to drive the timing.

103. The Chair requested further information on the participants of the subgroups, and how to make sure the right stakeholders are involved in the most relevant activities.

104. The Chair of the IWG on A-LCA explained the list of participants of subgroups is managed by the IWG on A-LCA, and noted a balanced participation for the time being, and invited subgroups to process new invitations via the IWG on A-LCA leading team if and when additional expertise would be needed.

105. The secretary of the IWG on A-LCA mentioned he would be open to get advice from GRPE on stakeholder engagement in the various subgroups.

Relates to Automotive Life Cycle Assessment |