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Equitable Occupant Protection - IWG EqOP - status report
Document GRSP-73-37/Rev.1
15 May 2023
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20. | Equitable Occupant Protection

47. The expert from Sweden, Chair of IWG on Equitable Occupant Protection introduced the status report (GRSP-73-37-Rev.1). She informed GRSP that IWG met in Yokohama, Japan on 6 April 2023 in conjunction with the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles conference, and in Geneva prior of the May 2023 session of GRSP. She informed GRSP that the Group had agreed on two tasks for early December 2023: (a) a road map of any diversity issues (gender, weight, height and age), (b) a recommendation on using existing dummies in the UN crash safety regulations, to benefit the female population specifically. GRSP agreed to resume consideration at its December 2023 session.

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