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UN R49: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 07 series of amendments
Document WP.29/2023/60
4 April 2023

Proposal to permit the use of hydrogen (H2) as fuel for emissions type approval of heavy-duty vehicles, to insert provisions in Supplement 7 to the 06 series that were unintentionally omitted, to add a requirement for the accuracy of the humidity sensor, correct a typographical error (NOx mode), and to clarify the procedures.

Status: Adopted
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4.7. | Consideration of draft amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRPE

99. The World Forum considered draft amendments under agenda items 4.7.1 to 4.7.9 and recommended their submission to AC.1 for voting with the following corrections:

In ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2023/60, Annex 4, Appendix 7:

Paragraph A., amend to read:
“…of stainless steel or PTFE and shall be heated to set points between 383 and 464 K…”

Paragraph A., amend to read:
“…of stainless steel or PTFE and shall be heated to set points between 383 and 464 K…”

4.7.3. | Proposal for Supplement 8 to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 49 (Emissions of compression ignition and positive ignition (LPG and CNG) engines)
4.7.4. | Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 07 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 49 (Emissions of compression ignition and positive ignition (LPG and CNG) engines)
4. (a) | UN Regulations Nos. 49 and 132

50. The representative from OICA introduced GRPE-87-50, summarizing the proposals on the inclusion of hydrogen as a fuel for internal combustion engines in heavy duty vehicles. He introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2023/6 as amended by GRPE-87-30. The representative from the European Commission introduced GRPE-87-31 to support the previous proposal.

51. The representatives from France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Sweden supported the proposal and congratulated all parties involved in the development of this proposal. The representative from the EC highlighted that hydrogen internal combustion engines were important to achieve heavy duty vehicles CO2 emission reduction targets. He also added that the scope of engines covered would be enlarged, as well as the inclusion of dual fuel engines in forthcoming amendments to the related legislation.

52. The representative from India also supported the proposal and requested additional information on the fuel specifications for hydrogen, informing that some parameters differ in UN GTR No. 15 compared to UN regulation No. 49. The representative from OICA confirmed fuel specifications are aligned between UN Regulations Nos. 154 and 49 but could not confirm they are the same in UN GTR No. 15. He explained that the difference might come from the different specifications for hydrogen whether they are used in fuel cells or internal combustion engines. The hydrogen purity needs to be better for fuel cells, explaining potential tighter tolerances if only one grade of hydrogen fuel is specified. He concluded by saying that a similar issue might arise in heavy duty applications when fuel cell trucks are being deployed more broadly.

53. The representative from France introduced GRPE-87-53. The representative from the European Commission clarified some of the content of this proposal.

54. GRPE adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2023/6 as amended by GRPE-87-30 and complemented by GRPE-87-53, as reflected in Annex X, and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their June 2023 sessions as draft new supplement to the 07 Series of Amendments to UN Regulation No. 49.

55. The representative from OICA informed GRPE that OICA was exploring the possibility to also include hydrogen as a fuel in older series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 49. He noted that adding hydrogen was expected to be straight forward in the 06 series of amendments, and that an assessment was on-going for such inclusion in the 04 and 05 series of amendments.

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