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Review of GRVA Regulations And GTR On Their Fitness For ADS
Document GRVA-15-37
23 January 2023
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4. (e) | Coordination of work on automation between working parties (GRs)

29. The expert from France presented GRVA-15-37. He recalled the request from WP.29 to review UN Global Technical Regulations (GTRs) and UN Regulations regarding their fitness for Automated Driving Systems. He explained the expected evolutions of vehicles and role of the driver with the emergence of ADS. He detailed the activities of the Task Force on the Fitness for ADS of GRVA Regulations and Global Technical Regulations (TF on FADS) and reported on the completion of the first high level assessment of UN GTRs and Regulations under the purview of GRVA. He mentioned the further steps, which were already initiated and performed, using a collaboration platform. GRVA endorsed the status report. GRVA received an update from the experts from Germany and the Netherlands on the progress of similar task forces under the other WP.29 subsidiary bodies.

30. Upon request of the expert from the United States of America, the expert from France provided insights on the timing and the synchronization with the other task forces. He reported that the June 2023 deadline was tight but still feasible.

Relates to Regulation Screening for ADS |