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GRPE priorities under consideration
Document GRPE-87-29
6 January 2023
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
15. | Priority topics for GRPE activities

99. The Chair introduced GRPE-87-29 and GRPE-80-04-Rev.1. The representative from the European Commission provided written comment to both documents that were discussed during the session.

100. GRPE adopted GRPE-87-54-Rev.1 as a revised GRPE list of priorities to be shared with WP.29/AC.2 and to be included in the 2023 programme of work of WP.29.

101. GRPE adopted GRPE-87-55 as an update to the GRPE emission topics list to be used as an internal reference for longer list of potential topics to be addressed by GRPE in the future.

Relates to GTR No. 21 | GTR No. 22 | GTR No. 24 | HD EV Battery Durability | LCA | PMP | Tyre wear | UN R83 | UN R168 |