Request of the IWG on DETA to GRs to provide clarity on the UN Regulations for with the UI marking may be applied
57. The expert from Finland, on behalf of the informal working group on the Database for Exchange of Approval documentation (DETA) introduced GRSP-72-14 following a request of IWG DETA to Working Groups to clarify the UN Regulations in which the Unique Identifier (UI) marking applies. He also introduced GRSP-72-15 that provides a table for the list of UN Regulations under the responsibility of GRSP, that can be completed with the required information. The expert from CLEPA introduced GRSP-72-38 with an initial assessment of the requested list of UN Regulations. He clarified that UN Regulation No. 16 (Safety-belts) would prohibit the use of UI, because additional symbols to identify the type of safety-belt, energy absorber and retractor would be needed. He thus introduced a proposal of amendment to UN Regulation No. 16 (Safety-belts) prohibiting UI use (GRSP-72-39). GRSP requested the secretariat to distribute GRSP-72-39 with an official symbol at its May 2023 session. At the same time GRSP agreed to resume discussion on GRSP-72-15 at its May 2023 session based on the feedback provided by the expert from OICA.