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EMC informal group status report to GRE
Document GRE-87-21
25 October 2022
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
8. | UN Regulation No. 10 (Electromagnetic Compatibility)

32. The expert from the Informal Working Group on Electromagnetic Compatibility (IWG EMC) presented their status report and outstanding issues (GRE-87-21). The expert from EC reported on the results of their market surveillance tests of vehicles in different normal conditions of use (GRE-87-12-Rev.1) which had demonstrated that certain vehicles with new technologies (e.g. multiple propulsion engines) may have the electromagnetic emissions occasionally higher than the regulatory threshold. On that basis, the expert from EC requested an extension of IWG EMC mandate (GRE-87-25). GRE agreed that IWG EMC should take over the topic of ‘normal conditions of use’, as proposed by the expert from EC. Depending on the IWG EMC progress in the coming months, GRE decided to address, at its next session, possible amendments to the Terms of Reference of IWG EMC.

Relates to UN R10 |