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Updated content and schedule for EDR/DSSAD informal group deliverables under the WP.29 Framework Document on Automated Vehicles
Document GRSG-124-14
9 October 2022
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
11. Event Data Recorder
11. (a) Guidance on Event Data Recorder Performance Elements Appropriate for Adoption in the 1958 and 1998 Agreement Resolutions or Regulations

29. The expert from Netherlands on behalf of IWG on Event Data Recorder (EDR) / Data Storage system for Automated Driving Vehicles (DSSAD) introduced the status report (GRSG-124-13) of the group. He informed GRSG that the primary objective of a DSSAD system was that, “Data recorded to evaluate/monitor overall safety performance and identify when Autonomous Driving System (ADS) is in control of vehicles”. He also underlined that the focus of the group was on data collection for ADS in a broader perspective. He added that for EDR for Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDV), the IWG would focus on a new UN Regulation. In this latter case, IWG had challenges with triggering crash events (e.g. acceleration, safety-systems and last stop trigger). He finally, requested advice on an appropriate deadline to deliver a common technical document for establishing the UN Regulation on EDR for HDV. The expert from AAPC stated his support for harmonization in a broad scope, and for not focusing on a particular regional regulation. He finally stated that the latest deadline proposed by IWG would be the preferred option that would allow time for a better text (October 2023 session of GRSG and March 2024 session of WP.29 for final adoption). The expert from the United States of America also suggested the same option to have time to collect the broadest range of data. The expert from China also stated the need for time for data collection and preferred the later deadline. The expert from EC explained that the deadline of the November 2023 session of WP.29 was the most relevant for his organization, and proposed as an option the possibility to organize a special session of GRSG in case the group would not be in the position to adopt the proposal at its March 2023 session. The GRSG Chair suggested in this latter case to submit the final document to WP.29 at the October 2022 session of GRSG for final revision. GRSG agreed to seek guidance from AC.2 and WP.29 at their November 2022 sessions on the basis of the highlights of its October 2022 session. Moreover, GRSG agreed to incorporate GRSG-124-14 (Updated Content and Schedule for EDR/DSSAD IWG Deliverables) into the revised programme of work of GRSG (GRSG-124-06-Rev.3). Finally, GRSG noted the proposal of the expert from China to submit for consideration and vote at the next AC.3 sessions, the Chinese national standard for its establishment into the Compendium of Candidates of the 1998 Agreement.

Relates to DSSAD | Global EDR | UN R160 |