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UN R0 : Unique Identifier (UI)
Document GRPE-86-22
27 May 2022
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
11. | International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA)

55. The GRPE ambassador to the IWG on IWVTA introduced GRPE-86-21-Rev.1 and GRPE-86-22 updating GRPE on the latest information from the IWG on DETA about the implementation of the Unique Identifier (UI) in UN Regulations pertinent to GRPE. He suggested to take a cautious approach to forbid UI in case of doubts and to also monitor the developments of DETA and UI closely. The representative from the UK agreed with this cautious approach and highlighted the importance of markings for after-market purposes.

56. The representative from the European Commission noted that in some markets the smoke coefficient in UN Regulation No. 24 was obsolete, and therefore dedicated marking information would no longer be needed in those markets. The representative from OICA added that despite the withdrawal of the obligation to perform smoke test for some engines, the need to display a default value on the label was still needed.

57. Once agreed by GRPE, The GRPE ambassador to the IWG on IWVTA said he would develop draft proposals to amend relevant UN Regulations to authorize or not the use of UI. The secretariat asked about the information contained in the summary document. The GRPE ambassador to the IWG on IWVTA replied this was still being discussed, but that the fundamental concept was very open.

58. The Chair asked if the UI is not forbidden in a specific UN regulation, whose decision it is to switch to UI instead of E marking. The GRPE ambassador to the IWG on IWVTA clarified that it would be up to the applicant (usually OEMs) to choose whether to use UI or E marking, with the support of Type Approval Authorities that would be the only ones to be able to create new UI.

59. The Chair invited all relevant experts for each GRPE-related UN Regulation to approach the ambassador to provide their views on the need to forbid UI in the respective UN Regulations, with an update from the ambassador expected at the next session of GRPE. The GRPE ambassador to the IWG on IWVTA also informed about some potential issue with the inclusion of the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 154 in UN Regulation No. 0 and said he would update the GRPE leadership team if there is any urgent issue to be looked at.

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