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UN R120: Type approval of engines operated on H2 for agricultural & forestry tractors and non-road mobile machinery.
Document GRPE-86-06
24 May 2022
Submitted by EUROMOT
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
6. (a) UN Regulations Nos. 96 and 120

42. The representative from EUROMOT introduced GRPE-86-06 updating GRPE on the inclusion of hydrogen as a fuel in UN Regulation No. 96. The Chair asked about the scope difference in UN Regulation No. 96 versus the European legislation, and if GRPE should attempt to harmonize the scope in both regulatory frameworks. The representative from EUROMOT did not see it feasible to include inland waterways into the 58 Agreement given its title on “wheeled vehicles” and clarified its intention in GRPE-86-06 was to acknowledge the scope difference, not to attempt to harmonize it.

43. The representative from the Netherlands sought clarifications about a similar validation test campaign being planned for non-road mobile machinery as the one planned for on-road heavy duty vehicles for the use of hydrogen in internal combustion engines (see para. ‎39). The representative from EC stated their willingness to hold bilateral discussions with EUROMOT to find the best way forward to include non-road vehicles into the validation test campaign, if possible.

Relates to UN R96 | UN R120 |