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DETA: Proposal to improve the use of the Unique Identifier for UN Regulations
Document GRBP-76-12
22 August 2022
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38. The expert from the Informal Working Group on the Electronic Database for the Exchange of Type Approval Documentation (IWG DETA) introduced a proposal for the extension of DETA with the aim to improve the use of the “Unique Identifier” (UI) in UN Regulations (GRBP-76-12). For the UN Regulations in the GRBP purview, he invited GRBP to:

  1. Consider whether the approval markings may be replaced by a UI marking.
  2. If so, determine which additional markings for consumers should remain on the products.
  3. Based on a harmonized template that is to be developed, specify the content for a Summary Document in a Supplement to each UN Regulation for which the use of UI is not prohibited.

39. The Chair proposed a list of UN Regulations for which the use of UI should be prohibited (GRBP-76-30). Following an exchange of views, GRBP agreed that the use of UI in the context of GRBP UN Regulations would not bring additional benefits at this stage and requested the Chair to convey this position to WP.29 and IWG DETA. The expert from Switzerland reserved their position on this matter.

Relates to DETA |