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UN R131: Proposal for a supplement to the 02 series of amendments
Document GRVA/2022/22
14 July 2022

Proposal from the AEBS-HDV informal group to align provisions with corresponding provisions of UN R152 and to clarify the interpretation of the provisions on system robustness when applied to heavy duty vehicles.

Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.7.4. | Proposal for a Supplement 1 to the 02 series of UN Regulation No. 131 (AEBS)
7. | Advanced Emergency Braking Systems

83. The expert from Germany, Co-Chair of the IWG on AEBS for heavy vehicles, presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/22 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/23, proposing amendments to the AEBS reinstatement provisions (e.g. for new engine start) in UN Regulation No. 131 and a clarification of the robustness provisions. The expert from France presented GRVA-14-21 on the same issue, aimed at clarifying the French version. The expert from OICA presented GRVA-14-26, proposing clarifications to the provisions in the two official documents above regarding reinstating AEBS e.g. for new engine start. The secretariat prepared GRVA-14-47 and GRVA-14-57 to reflect these amendments.

84. GRVA adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/22, as amended by GRVA-14-47 and requested the secretariat to submit it as a supplement to the 02 series of UN Regulation No. 131 to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their March 2023 sessions.

85. GRVA adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2022/23, as amended by GRVA-14-57 and requested the secretariat to submit it as a supplement to the 01 series of UN Regulation No. 131 to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their March 2023 sessions.

4.10.7. | Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 152 (AEBS for M1 and N1)
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