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Report on the PTI informal group 24th meeting
Document WP.29-185-15
19 November 2021
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7. | 1997 Agreement (Periodical Technical Inspections)

99. The representative of CITA, Secretary of the IWG on Periodical Technical Inspections (PTI) reported to WP.29 on the activities of the IWG at its twenty-fourth sessions, which took place in October 2021, in a virtual format. He informed WP.29 that the work of the IWG had focused on proposal for a framework document on vehicle whole-life compliance, under review by GRs. He continued that the group had been informed about development of European Union (EU) legislation on PTI, including updates of EU Roadworthiness Package. He reported that the group discussed recommendation on application of Particulate Numbers measurement methods and decided to include it into Resolution R.E.6. as well as results of studies related to tempering of aftertreatment systems in trucks. He mentioned that the group continued considerations on access to in-vehicle data.

100. He clarified upon request from the secretariat that the group had already discussed PTI for Accident Emergency Call Systems (AECS) in line with the mandate of the group.

101. WP.29 encouraged the group to continue its activities on AECS.

Relates to 1997 Agreement | PTI Anti-Tampering | PTI: Vehicle Data | PTI: Whole Life Compliance |