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Report of the DETA informal group on its 42nd session
Document WP.29-185-14/Rev.1
29 November 2021
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.5. Development of an electronic database for the exchange of type approval documentation (DETA)

68. The representative from Germany, Chair of the IWG on DETA, reported (WP.29‑185‑12) on the activities of the group at its last session in November 2021. He explained that: 33 contracting parties notified their DETA Focal Point, about 12400 approvals were uploaded by 13 contracting parties, about 5560 manufacturers were uploaded and could be selected in DETA by the Type-Approval Authority, and that 13 manufacturers were having access to their own approvals in DETA. He explained the situation with regard to contracting new features: the Unique Identifier module, the Mass Upload Functionality and the two-factor authentication to increase the security of the system. He reported on the activities of the group to reflect on possible extension of DETA to increase the attractiveness of the system for the contracting parties of the 1997 and 1998 Agreements and on the state of play with regards to the DETA summary document on UI marking.

69. The representative of OICA clarified that, while the Unique Identifier by default applies to all UN Regulations, the GR working parties should identify those UN Regulations for which the use of the Unique Identifier was not appropriate and should not be used. He also suggested that the draft contract for the UI development be reviewed with the various sponsors and finalised as soon as possible.

70. The representative from Germany, Chair of the IWG on DETA, presented (WP.29-185-13) a proposal for amendments to the ‘specifications and application guideline for the Unique Identifier (UI) module’, document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2019/77 and (WP.29-185-12). WP.29 agreed to consider this document with an official symbol at its March 2022 session.

71. WP.29 reflected on the proposed potential extensions of DETA. The Delegate form the United States of America requested, and WP.29 agreed, to remove language from the report that suggested the United States of America proposed or supported extension of DETA to Parties of the 1998 Agreement.

72. The representatives of Japan reported on the current status of discussions in the GRVA IWG on VMAD with regards to scenarios catalogues, which was still discussing this item at a high level of abstraction.

73. The representative of the United States of America explained that the IWG on FRAV was still discussing, among others, whether scenarios were needed for the development of ADS or for their performance assessment.

74. The representative of OICA recalled that the DETA database was designed originally for the purpose of type approval data exchange; therefore, it was not appropriate for all types of extensions which in fact would entail a totally new, separate database software.

75. The representative of the Netherlands agreed with the technical comment of the representative of OICA regarding the current function of DETA. He explained that WP.29 would need to reflect on modern ways to exchange information.

76. The Chair of GRVA suggested that the GRVA IWGs could advice whether these functions could be needed. He invited WP.29 to consider whether countries would want a centralized approach to exchange information or a decentralized way that all countries would need to implement.

77. The representative of Switzerland stated that it was premature to consider details. He advised to keep the discussion at a strategic level and focus on principles. He supported this discussion and advised that WP.29 embarked in a modern, flexible and dynamic way to address the technological progress brought by ADS.

78. WP.29 invited the IWG on DETA to further explore options and thanked Germany for continuing hosting DETA.

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