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Periodical Technical Inspections informal group status report
Document WP.29-186-16/Rev.1
10 March 2022
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7. | 1997 Agreement (Periodical Technical Inspections)

94. The representative of the Russian Federation, Co-Chair of the IWG on Periodical Technical Inspections (PTI) reported to WP.29 on the activities of the IWG at its twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth sessions, held in a virtual format. He informed WP.29 that the work of the IWG had focused on for areas:

  1. In-service compliance assessment;
  2. Measures to detect tampering;
  3. Draft Rule on Accident Emergency Call Systems;
  4. Access to DETA.

He explained that the framework document would be further developed by a subgroup of the IWG on PTI.

95. The Co-Chair of the IWG on PTI sought guidance from WP.29 on elements of its activities related to the framework document on in-service compliance which aimed to address market surveillance mechanisms for the robust verification of compliance of the automotive products.

96. The representative of France, Chair of GRBP, reported on the related discussions in his group. The highlighted the need to define the right interface between vehicle approval (including Conformity of Inspection, In-service Conformity and Market surveillance in some markets) and periodic technical inspection. He stated the importance of making sure that reference tests performed within the framework of type approval would need to be adequately used in PTI and road side inspection.

97. The representative from the UK recalled the inclusion of penalties for non-compliance was mentioned by the IWG on PTI, which predominantly exist in national legislation. He requested the view from WP.29 about the role of 1997 agreement to make recommendations on penalties, and shared his view that this was probably the prerogatives of each contracting parties. The Chair agreed with the UK statement, and added that contributing to roadworthiness tests was a useful added value of the 1997 Agreement deliverables.

98. The representative from Sweden supported the statement from the UK and highlighted the importance to carry on activities to reveal tampering in PTI and roadside tests and invited the IWG on PTI to continue and expand their activities on that matter.

99. The representative from CITA agreed that WP.29 was not mandated to defining penalties, and thanked the UK and Sweden for the constructive feedback.

100. The secretariat on behalf of GRPE Chair supported the approach described by the Co-Chair of the IWG on PTI, and informed GRPE will be seeking active implication from GRPE stakeholders during its June 2022 session.

101. The representative of France commented on the envisaged access to DETA for the purpose of PTI. He highlighted the importance of considering appropriate uniform data structure stored in DETA that could be used of PTI.

102. The representative of CITA explained that the current developments of UI could create serious issues in the course of PTI inspections and therefore would need to be properly developed to accommodate sovereign tasks and needs such as PTI.

103. WP.29 acknowledged that some regions already developed provisions related to data for PTI and that such matter could be discussed in this forum. OICA commented that those markets require information exchange on the basis of Vehicle Identification Numbers while DETA was structured based on Approval numbers and vehicle types.

Relates to 1997 Agreement | DETA | PTI Anti-Tampering | PTI-AECS | PTI: Whole Life Compliance |