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1958 Agreement: Status of adopted proposals and entry into force as of 17 February 2022
Document WP.29-186-15
8 March 2022
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.1. | Status of the 1958 Agreement and of the annexed UN Regulations
8.5. | Documents for publication

126. WP.29 noted that the informal document WP.29-186-15 provided information on the proposals for 62 amendments and one corrigendum to existing UN Regulations, that have been adopted by AC.1 in the November 2021 session of WP.29. They further noted that the document also included the envisaged dates of entry into force, being the 22 June 2022 for the amendments if no objections had been received, and the 24 November 2021 for the corrigendum.

127. The Secretary invited the delegates of WP.29 to take leaflets and brochures regarding safety belts, cost-benefits methodology for harmonization of vehicle regulations, and automated vehicles, which were produced on a regularly basis and their availability in different language versions on the UNECE website for free download.

Relates to 1958 Agreement |