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DETA informal group status report to WP.29
Document WP.29-186-13
8 March 2022
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.5. | Development of an electronic database for the exchange of type approval documentation (DETA)

72. The representative from Germany, Chair of the IWG on DETA, presented (WP.29-186-12) the report to the World Forum related to the use of DETA and also updating WP.29 on the work of the IWG at its forty-third session, held on 3 March 2022. He laid out the current state of play, noting the number of approvals uploaded as well as the geographical distribution of their origin. He underlined that Germany was able to continue hosting DETA until a long-term solution for its hosting, potentially at UNECE, is identified. He reported on the developments of DETA: the contracting of the Unique Identifier (UI) function, the mass upload functionality and the two-factor authentication. He added that, concerning the DETA scope extension, the IWG on DETA discussed the potential access to cyber security related information by the contracting parties of the 1998 Agreement and the access in the course of Periodic Technical Inspection (by the contracting parties of the 1997 Agreement). He reported that, following the consultation of the GRs concerning UI and the proposal for a “summary document” stored in DETA, the group discussed that the GRs would probably need to draft provisions, in the relevant UN Regulations, with the markings without UI and the markings with UI.

73. WP.29 requested the secretariat to distribute WP.29-185-13 with an official symbol at the next WP.29 session.

74. The representative of CITA invited the IWG on DETA and WP.29 to consider the PTI needs related to UI.

75. The representative of UK enquired whether DETA would provide the necessary confidentiality that would permit to open the access of DETA to the PTI stakeholders.

76. WP.29 did not oppose to provide in the near future access to DETA to the PTI stakeholders. It required the IWG on DETA to provide, at the June 2022 session, assurance to WP.29 that the necessary confidentiality would be warranted so that such access could be granted.

77. WP.29 invited GRVA to resume discussion on cyber security and DETA and then to advice the IWG on DETA.

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