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ADS: Proposal for a second iteration of the New Assessment/Test Method for Automated Driving - Master Document
Document WP.29-186-09
4 March 2022

Document to update WP.29 on the status of work in developing tools and methods for the assessment of Automated Driving System safety under the GRVA informal working group on Validation Methods for Automated Driving (VMAD).

Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
2.3. | Intelligent Transport Systems and coordination of automated vehicles related activities

33. The Chair of GRVA introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/57, with the proposal for the second iteration of the New Assessment / Test Method (NATM) – Master Document. He also introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/58 amended by WP.29-187-08, a proposal for the NATM guideline for the validation of ADS. He presented WP.29-187-10, including the Guidelines and Recommendations concerning Safety Requirements for Automated Driving Systems. He presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/60, with the proposal for recommendations on uniform provisions concerning cyber security and software updates suitable for the purpose of the contracting parties to the 1958 and 1998 Agreements.

34. WP.29 congratulated GRVA for these achievements and endorsed the documents ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/57, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/58 as amended by WP.29-187-08 ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/60 and WP-187-10. The Chair requested the secretariat to issue document WP-187-10 with an official symbol for the next WP.29 session.

4. (a) | Deliverables of the Informal Working Group on Functional Requirements for Automated and Autonomous Vehicles
4. (b) | Deliverables of the Informal Working Group on Validation Methods for Automated Driving

16. The expert from Canada, Co-Chair of the IWG on Validation Methods for Automated Driving (VMAD), briefed GRVA on the progress made by the group (GRVA-13-38). He informed GRVA on the nomination of a new VMAD Co-Chair and expressed gratitude to Mr. T. Onoda, the former Co-Chair from Japan. He detailed the status of the VMAD work and deliverables. He reported on the collaboration between FRAV and VMAD and on the Co-Chairs’ proposal for the next steps of the group.

17. GRVA reviewed GRVA-13-35 (New Assessment/Test Method for Automated Driving (NATM) Guidelines for Validating Automated Driving System (ADS) in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/58). The expert from Canada explained that final updates to the document would be needed and discussed a potential process in order to include last minute modifications. GRVA noted that delegations would try to accommodate last minute modifications to allow a voting during the WP.29 session in June 2022.

18. GRVA endorsed in principle GRVA-13-35 and requested the secretariat to submit GRVA-13-35 (and subsequent editorial corrections, if available) to WP.29 for endorsement at its June 2022 session.

19. GRVA discussed the potential future activities of the group and agreed that the group would finalize its current tasks during the first 12 months of the mandate.

20. GRVA requested the Chair and the Secretary to draft an amendment proposal to the FDAV, detailing the envisaged milestones of VMAD for the extended mandate including a preview for the time beyond.

21. GRVA agreed to request AC.2 and WP.29 at their June 2022 sessions to extend the mandate of the IWG on VMAD until June 2024.

22. GRVA reconfirmed the document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/57 without modification for consideration and endorsement at the June 2022 session of WP.29.

4. (f) | Other business
2.3. | Intelligent Transport Systems and coordination of automated vehicles related activities

22. The secretariat recalled the purpose of WP.29-186-08 drafted by the IWG on FRAV and WP.29-186-09 drafted by the IWG on Validation Methods for Automated Driving (VMAD), that were mandated under the framework document on automated vehicles (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2019/34/Rev.2 as amended by ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/151). The Chair of GRVA detailed the content of the two documents and their purpose. He explained that both documents were guidelines that would be suitable for the contracting parties of the 1998 and 1958 Agreements.

23. The representative of the European Commission stated his full support for these informal documents and added that the contained concepts were also taken into consideration for developing the European Union legislation for ADS.

24. The representative of the United States of America clarified that WP.29-186-08 was not mature enough and recommended not to issue it as an official document for the next session.

25. The representative of OICA stated the importance of the work done by GRVA and its informal working groups under the framework document. He welcomed the progress done on the drafting of guidelines for ADS safety. He explained that OICA would welcome proposals from Contracting Parties for ADS regulations based on the guidelines prepared by GRVA.

26. The representative of OICA advised to initiate a review of the UN Regulations and UN GTRs with regards to their fitness for ADS, including driverless systems, as these regulations might refer to drivers.

27. The Chair of GRVA explained that AC.2 discussed the need to review the UN Regulations and UN GTRs and was in the process of setting a coordinated approach.

28. The representative of the European Commission fully recognized the need to review the Vehicle Regulations, which were linked to drivers, to accommodate for automated/autonomous driving.

29. The representative of the United States of America advised that this task could require a phased approach, one phase being the identification of UN Regulations and UN GTRs of relevance and a second phase being the evaluation of the provisions and test requirements that might be linked to drivers.

30. WP.29 requested all GRs to perform a screening of the UN Regulations and UN GTRs of relevance until March 2023 and agreed to resume consideration of a coordinated approach for reporting to AC.2 and WP.29.

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