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RE3.: How to handle measurement uncertainties
Document GRBP-75-08
25 January 2022
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
2. UN Regulation No. 51 (Noise of M and N categories of vehicles).

10. The expert from IWG MU introduced a general approach how to handle measurement uncertainties (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/2022/9, as amended by GRBP-75-07, and GRBP-75-08). GRBP endorsed this document and requested the secretariat to publish it as a document of reference on the GRBP website. The expert from IWG MU pointed out that an amendment to this document would be presented at the next session. GRBP that WP.29 should be informed about the developed general approach to measurement uncertainties, because it could apply to UN Regulations beyond the scope of GRBP.

7. Proposals for amendments to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles
Relates to RE3: Vehicle Construction |