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DETA: Additional input regarding GPRE and the Unique Identifier
Document GRPE-85-33
7 January 2022

Supplemental information concerning document GRPE-85-01.

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11. | International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA)

61. The GRPE ambassador to the IWG on IWVTA introduced GRPE-85-01 and
GRPE-85-33 to initiate discussions in GRPE about the implementation of the Unique Identifier (UI) in UN Regulations pertinent to GRPE. The representative from CITA, secretary of the IWG on Periodic Technical Inspection (PTI), underlined the importance of broad access to reliable information, especially for PTI centres that are the first users of approval markings. He asked the ambassador that GRPE-85-01 be also introduced to the IWG on PTI.

62. The representative from the EC sought further clarification on user access to UI. The representative from Australia asked if the work on UI should prioritize UN Regulations included in UN Regulations No. 0.

63. The GRPE ambassador to the IWG on IWVTA noted all requests for further information and agreed to raise them during the next meeting of the IWG on DETA, to be held in March 2022 and to report back during the next session of GRPE.

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