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UN R49: Proposal to permit hydrogen fuel under emissions type approval
Document GRPE-85-28
30 December 2021
Submitted by OICA
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4. (a) | UN Regulations Nos. 49 and 132

35. The representative from OICA introduced GRPE-86-25 as an update about the inclusion of hydrogen as a fuel in UN Regulations No. 49 and 85 and informed GRPE that the consideration of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2022/20 as amended by GRPE-86-13 would be postponed until the next session of GRPE. The representative from the European Commission confirmed that no vehicles had been identified for validation tests and that the validation test campaign was expected to be finalized by the end of 2022. GRPE agreed to postpone the consideration of this issue to forthcoming sessions of GRPE.

4. (a) | UN Regulations Nos. 49 and 132

30. The representative from OICA introduced GRPE-85-28 and GRPE-85-41 on the addition of hydrogen (H2) as a fuel for internal combustion engines in UN Regulation No. 49. The representative from Germany sought clarifications on how Ugas factors were calculated in the case of H2. The representative from the EC added that the activity was held in common between OICA and the EC, also aiming at capturing potential decarbonization benefits to be included in the European VECTO tool. The representative from the EC, from the Joint Research Center (JRC), added that a validation exercise with OEMs was on-going, and close collaboration with OEMs was needed as the technology was not available on the market at the present time. He added final results were expected by the end of 2022. The representative from the Netherlands was supportive of the intention of the proposal and asked for some editorials corrections to be included (for example on the need to separate gaseous from liquified H2 in some instances).

31. The representative from OICA agreed the text was still in progress and informed GRPE that an update will be provided at the next GRPE session if a final proposal was not prepared on time for adoption by GRPE.

5. | UN Regulations Nos. 24, 85, 115, 133, and 143

39. The representative from OICA introduced GRPE-85-25 proposing to add hydrogen fuel and associated specifications in UN Regulation No. 85. The representative from AAPC requested more information about the time when market fuel specifications would be determined, whether at type approval or at the time of the test. The representative from OICA clarified that fuel specifications would be determined at the time of the test.

40. The representative from the EC asked whether it should be Grade I or Grade II hydrogen as specified in GRPE-85-28; moreover, he informed GRPE that there is no reference to ISO 14687 in UN Regulation No. 154 that already covers hydrogen. The Chair proposed to resume the discussions on this item at the next session of GRPE. GRPE supported that proposal.

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