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UN R17: Proposal for Corrigendum 1 to the 10 series of amendments
Document GRSP-69-34
17 May 2021

Proposal from the GRSP secretariat to correct a transposition error between GRSP/2020/8 and the text in WP.29/2020/106. The WP.29 text as adopted omitted the deletion in para. “The front and rear zones are respectively bounded by the horizontal plane tangential to the top of the head restraint as determined in paragraph 6.5. of this Regulation.”

Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
8. | UN Regulation No. 17 (Strength of seats)

16. The expert from Norway introduced a presentation (GRSP-69-06) concerning the main findings of a report (GRSP-69-02) from the Norwegian Safety Investigation Authority (NSIA) related to a high-speed frontal road-collision. He added that the car collision occurred between a passenger car and a van and that two passengers seating in the rear seat row died during the collision also due to the luggage displacement, while frontal seating passengers sustained minor injuries. The expert from Consumer International (CI) proposed that more stringent requirements for rear seat strength should be introduced into the UN Regulation. The expert from EC stated his intention to study the case and report at the next GRSP sessions. The expert from OICA argued that crash speed (80 km/h) of the reported accident was beyond the speed considered into the UN Regulation. Moreover, he suggested that also harmonized international traffic rules on the obligation of securing luggage should be pursued. GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this subject and defer discussion on GRSP-69-34 at its December 2021 session.

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