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TF AVSR (Autonomous Vehicle Signalling Requirements): Status Report
Document GRE-84-19
13 April 2021
Status: Informal GR review
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
10. Direction of future work of GRE

39. The expert from the Task Force on Autonomous Vehicle Signalling Requirements (TF AVSR) reported on their progress (GRE-84-19). He also mentioned a recent EC study on the effects of automation on road user behaviour and performance. GRE noted that a policy decision on the signalling requirements of autonomous vehicles fell in the scope of the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) and its Informal Working Group on Functional Requirements of Automated/Autonomous Vehicles (IWG FRAV). GRE invited its Chair to contact the GRVA and IWG FRAV Chairs and to seek guidance on light-signalling requirements for autonomous vehicles. GRE agreed that the activities of TF AVSR would be put on hold until such guidance was received.