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TF RWS: Status report
Document GRSG-121-14
8 April 2021
Submitted by Switzerland
Status: Informal GR review
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
16. (a) | Reversing warning systems

121. On behalf of the Task Force on Reverse Warning Sound (TF-RW), working under the Group of Experts on Noise and Tyres (GRBP), the expert from Switzerland introduced the status report of the TF-RW given at the 73rd session of GRBP (GRSG-121-14). He explained that the document dealt mainly with noise issues but also contained safety related aspects relevant for the work of GRSG on slide 13, concerning reverse acoustic warning devices. The expert informed GRSG that the TF-RW had changed the designation of Device(s) for reversing motion to Devices for the means of rearward vision and detection, which would have repercussions on the text of UN Regulation No. 158 that was developed by the IWG on VRU-Proxi.

122. The expert from Switzerland invited GRSG experts to deliver any comments with respect to the information provided to the Chair of the TF-RW (Mr. Hiroyuki Houzu – or the Secretary of the TF-RW (Mr. Manfred Klopotek – He informed GRSG that the next meeting of the TF-RW would take place on 29 April 2021, while the next GRBP session was scheduled for September 2021.

123. GRSG welcomed the information provided by the expert from Switzerland on behalf of the TF-RW and invited interested parties to submit comments through their representatives at the TF-RW.

Relates to UN R165 |