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Safer and Cleaner Used Vehicles for Africa
Document WP.29-183-16
11 March 2021

Presentation from the Inland Transport Committee concerning a program support by the UN Road Safety Fund.

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
8.4. | UNRSF project on safer and cleaner used vehicles for Africa

122. The secretariat informed WP.29 about activities within the United Nations Road Safety Fund project on Safer and Cleaner Used Vehicles for Africa, which aims to improve safety and environmental performance of vehicles that are imported to Africa through a proposed set of minimum requirements. The secretariat informed WP.29 on project stakeholders and timeline, as well as the activities envisaged under its scope.

123. WP.29 took note of the initiative and its activities, recognizing the contribution of project activities towards facilitating enhanced safety and environmental performance of vehicles that are imported to Africa, and invited the secretariat to regularly update WP.29 about the progress of this project. WP.29 also acknowledged the contribution from the UN Road Safety Fund in supporting this activity.