Proposal corrects an omission in paragraph 3 with regard to information on safety-belt reminders and aligns the regulation with Annex I of EU regulation 2018/858.
11. GRSP considered and adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2021/10, to amend an omission in paragraph 3 of the UN Regulation, with regard to information on safety-belt reminders and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2021/16, both not amended, as a correction to the information sheet (Certificate) in its paragraph 3.3. The secretariat was requested to submit the proposals as draft Supplement 7 to the 07 series of amendments, draft Supplement 3 to the 08 series of amendments (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2021/10) and Corrigendum 1 to Supplement 12 to the 06 series of amendments (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2021/16) to UN Regulation No. 16 (Safety-belts) for consideration and vote at the November 2021 sessions of WP.29 and to AC.1.
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