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RDE informal group status report
Document GRPE-82-14
11 January 2021
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3. (c) | Worldwide harmonized Real Driving Emissions test procedure

22. The Chair of the IWG on RDE introduced the status report of the IWG (GRPE-82-14), informing GRPE on the latest activities from the IWG. She informed that the expected vote from WP.29/AC.1 on a proposal for a new UN Regulation on RDE as adopted by GRPE during its June 2020 session (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/81, para. 20.) could not be held because of remaining square brackets that could not be removed due to on-going discussions in the European Union. She did not expect the situation to be solved for the next session of WP.29 in March 2021.

23. She highlighted that the IWG on RDE was considering focussing on the development of the phase 2 of the UN GTR with an improved methodology to represent as much as possible wider conditions of use. She confirmed the interest of the representatives from the United States of America, EU, Japan, China, Canada, India, Republic of Korea and possibly Australia in this development.

24. The representative from the UK and the United States of America supported the approach and agreed with the way forward. The representative from Australia also wished to confirm his interest in participating to the future development steps for the UN GTR.

25. The Chair requested further clarifications about a revision of the authorization to develop the UN GTR on RDE as the IWG now seemed to be considered a new direction for the work. The Chair of the IWG on RDE underlined further discussions would be needed to formalize a revision to the authorization to develop a new UN GTR on RDE and was expecting to update GRPE at its next session in June 2021.

Relates to UN R168 |