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Light and Heavy Vehicle Emissions Standards for Cleaner Air
Document GRPE-82-13
11 January 2021
Submitted by Australia
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69. The representative from Australia introduced GRPE-82-13 on the consultation process on-going in the country for the future emission legislation for light and heavy vehicles. The representative from EC required some information about the consideration to propose the latest 07 series of amendment to UN Regulation No. 49 (instead of the 06) for the future heavy vehicles’ legislation. The representative from Australia clarified the 06 series of amendment to UN Regulation No. 49 was the latest available when the proposal was drafted and amending this (upon decision from transport minister) would require starting a whole new process.

70. The representative from EC asked whether feedback to the consultation was expected from GRPE and its stakeholders. The representative from Australia said the consultation was primarily aimed at domestic stakeholders, and the he would be thankful to receive feedback from international stakeholders too.

71. The representative from OICA recalled that Australia was not a contracting party to UN Regulation No. 83 and asked if this was expected to change if Australia was to adopt UN Regulation No. 83 as part of its emission legislation. The representative from Australia said that Australia would in principle become a contracting party to UN Regulation No. 83 if adopted as part of this legislative process.

Relates to UN R49 | UN R83 | UN R154 | UN R168 |