3. GRBP considered a proposal for a new series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 41 which was submitted by the Informal Working Group on Additional Sound Emission Provisions (IWG ASEP) (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/2020/9). The experts of the European Commission and Germany proposed new dates for the transitional provisions in paragraph 12 (GRBP-72-05). GRBP adopted the proposal as amended by Annex II of the session and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and the Administrative Committee (AC.1) for consideration and vote at their March 2021 sessions as a draft 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 41.
4. Referring to Article 12, paragraph 4 of the 1958 Agreement, the expert from EC proposed a modification to the transitional provision on the possibility of granting type approvals according to the preceding series of amendments (GRBP-72-14). GRBP was informed that the expert of EC had transmitted a similar modification to amendment proposals to other UN Regulations under different agenda items (see paras. 5, 22 and 23 below). GRBP noted that this issue relates to the WP.29 Guidelines on Transitional provisions (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1044/Rev.2) and invited the expert of EC to bring it to WP.29 for consideration. GRBP also agreed to revert to this issue at its next session, if necessary.
GRBP/2020/9 |