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UN R10: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 06 series of amendments
Document WP.29/2020/30
30 December 2019

Proposal to require that the vehicle manufacturer’s statement regarding frequency bands, power levels, antenna positions and installation provisions for the installation of radio frequency transmitters (RF-transmitters) be added to the information document (e.g. under item 63, Annex 2A) to facilitate conformity of production and other compliance checks.

Status: Adopted
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7. (a) | UN Regulation No. 10 (Electromagnetic compatibility)

33. The expert from the Netherlands proposed improving the text of paragraph of 3.1.8. (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2019/27). GRE adopted this proposal and requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration at their March 2020 sessions as draft Supplement 1 to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 10.

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