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UN R48: Proposal for a new series of amendments
Document SLR-35-16
10 December 2019

Revised version of the proposal in document GRE-82-25.

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
6. (b) | Proposals for new series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48

31. The expert from IWG SLR recalled the previous discussions on the aiming diagram in paragraph (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/81, para. 10 and Annex II) and presented GRE-82-25, which had been prepared in line with the GRE request. The expert from Poland proposed a revised diagram (GRE-82-43). For the diagram in GRE-82-25, the experts from Japan, Poland and the United Kingdom expressed their preference to maintain the 2000 lm criteria for automatic levelling and headlamp cleaning. The experts from Germany and the United Kingdom pointed out the need to consider the aiming tolerance for the purposes of, respectively, Periodic Technical Inspections (PTI) and Conformity of Production (CoP). GRE requested IWG SLR to consider the above elements and to prepare a revised document for the next session of GRE.

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