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Terms of Reference for the FRAV informal group
Document GRVA-04-13
20 September 2019

ToR and Rules of Procedure as adopted by WP.29 at is June 2019 session

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4. (a) Report of the Informal Working Group on Functional Requirements for Automated and Autonomous Vehicles

7. The expert from Germany, Co-Chair of the IWG on FRAV, reported on its kick off meeting, a short preparatory meeting that took place one day before GRVA. He reported on the selection of a Secretary, Mr. J. Creamer (AAPC). He stated that the group might create subgroups as necessary and that the group agreed not to limit the scope of its activities (e.g. for vehicle categories and speeds).

8. The expert from the Republic of Korea expressed support for the activities of the group and highlighted the relevance of the work done by the IWG on ACSF. He mentioned the importance for the group to develop a roadmap which would be in line with the activities of the IWG on VMAD.

9. The expert from Sweden stressed the need to address the performance of vehicles not only when new, but also when they are in use. The expert from the Netherlands pointed out the activities of the IWG on VMAD on the acquisition of real-world data supporting a proper evaluation of the technology, also in use.

10. The expert from UK noted similarities between the in-use considerations and the function over lifetime considerations at the Task Force on Cyber Security and OTA issues.

11. The expert from CITA explained the views of his organization and of the IWG on Periodic Technical Inspection (PTI) on this matter, including the Continuous Technical Inspection (CTI) vision. He mentioned that traditional visual inspections during PTI would be complemented by electronic checks.

12. GRVA distinguished between PTI and the continuous evaluation of the integrity of the automated system in use, noting that the latter could serve the purpose of PTI.

13. The Co-Chair of the IWG on FRAV (Germany) explained that the group only met for a preparatory meeting. He announced the invitation for the next meeting would be issued soon after.

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