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Status report of the VMAD informal group
Document GRVA-04-18
20 September 2019
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4. (b) Report of the Informal Working Group on Validation Methods for Automated Driving

14. The expert from the Netherlands, Co-Chair of the IWG on VMAD introduced GRVA-04-18; a status report of the group’s activities. He explained that the group had established subgroups, one dealing with traffic scenarios, one dealing with audits, virtual testing and in use data, and another one dealing with test track and real-world testing.

15. GRVA considered the opportunity provided by the activities on Automated Lane Keeping Systems as a timely occasion to test and demonstrate the validity of the New Assessment/Test Methods (NATM) developed by VMAD, given the fact that the IWG on ACSF would develop conventional tests. GRVA confirmed its expectation that the group shall provide in due time the electrical/electronic system Audit provisions for ALKS.

16. The IWG on VMAD requested access to ISO/PAS 21448. This document was kindly provided by the International Standardization Organization (ISO) secretariat.

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