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Status report of the Reversing Warning task force
Document GRBP-70-24
11 September 2019
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7. | Draft UN Regulation on reversing alarm

20. On behalf of the Task Force on Reverse Warning (TF RW), the expert from Japan reported on the progress of TF RW (GRBP-70-24). He mentioned that a draft new UN Regulation would be uploaded at the TF RW website and invited GRBP experts to provide their comments by 18 October 2019.

21. GRBP noted that, in line with its guidance, the expert from Switzerland had informed the Working Party on General Safety (GRSG), at its April 2019 session, about the TF RW activities and had explained that a “pause switch” for reverse warning sound devices would be permitted if other safety devices (e.g. camera monitor systems) were activated. GRSG had welcomed the information and had agreed on the need to coordinate this subject between GRBP and GRSG to avoid overregulation of these devices. The expert from Switzerland stated that he would report GRPB-70-24 to GRSG at its forthcoming session in October. The Chair stated that he would inform WP.29 about the idea of producing a new UN Regulation and cooperation with GRSG.

Relates to UN R165 |