Proposal to introduce provisions for roadside vehicle inspections into the resolution.
119. The Co-Chair of IWG on PTI, representative of the Russian Federation, introduced WP.29-178-14, a proposal for an amendment to resolution R.E.6, which introduced recommendations for technical roadside inspections. IWG proposes requirements for technical inspections and roadworthiness checks, which are an important instrument to achieving a high level of vehicle safety. He invited WP.29 Working Parties to include the document on their agendas and provide comments according to their areas of expertise, which would be included in the final version for submission to AC.4.
120. WP.29 considered and endorsed the proposal from the IWG on PTI, and requested the secretariat to transmit document WP.29-178-14 (with an official symbol) to WP.29 working Parties for consideration at their upcoming sessions.
WP.29-178-14 | |
GRPE-80-15 |