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Status report of the EVE informal group
Document GRPE-79-28/Rev.1
24 May 2019
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
9. (a) UN GTR on the Determination of Electrified Vehicle Power (DEVP)
9. (b) Other activities of the IWG on EVE

57. The Chair of IWG on EVE presented the status report introducing the latest activities of the group (GRPE-79-28-Rev.1). He highlighted latest discussions held during the last meeting of IWG on EVE in conjunction with GRPE provided useful guidance to the group. The representative from EC emphasized the work on battery durability was a critical element for further progress of the activities of IWGs on EVE and WLTP. She stated more in-depth discussions with other CPs will be held in the coming weeks to agree on a timeline and deliverable schedules that would satisfy all parties.

58. The expert from OICA acknowledged the proposed new timeline for the development of the in-vehicle battery durability provisions and was satisfied with the use of deterioration factors to characterise in-vehicle battery durability as a first step. The Chair insisted initial feedback would be appreciated on the matter during the next GRPE session in January 2020.

59. GRPE supported the extension of the mandate of IWG on EVE until June 2021 as reflected in Annex III of the session report.

60. GRPE acknowledged the progress made by IWG on EVE and noted the request for a meeting room for half a day during the GRPE week in January 2020.

Relates to Electric Vehicles & the Environment | GTR No. 21 | GTR No. 22 |