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Status report of the Global RDE informal group
Document GRPE-79-20/Rev.1
23 May 2019
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
3. (c) | Worldwide harmonized Real Driving Emissions test procedure.

24. The representative from EC introduced GRPE-79-20-Rev.1 detailing the latest activities from IWG on RDE. She added that, in parallel with the development of the UN GTR on RDE, a new UN Regulation on RDE would be developed, based on European Union legislation. GRPE agreed to the development of a new UN Regulation on RDE. The representative from European Union confirmed that both UN GTR and UN Regulation will be closely looked after to avoid any discrepancies between the two texts.

25. GRPE noted the request for a meeting room for a day during the GRPE week in January 2020.

Relates to UN R168 |