Document prepared by the GRPE chair and secretariat to propose areas for short, medium, and long-term attention.
6. The Chair presented GRPE-79-04-Rev.2 detailing priority topics for GRPE activities, as prepared by the Chair and the secretariat. The Chair highlighted the need to develop this GRPE priorities document to fulfil the political demand as stipulated in the Inland Transport Committee (ITC) Strategy adopted during the last ITC session in February 2019. WP.29 also expressed their wish to identify work priorities in the GRs to potentially allocate adequate resources to fulfil the objectives set by each GR. He also underlined that the priorities should be aligned with the SDGs, developed under the 2030 Agenda.
7. GRPE supported the proposal and found this approach highly relevant in the rapidly evolving context and digitalization of vehicles. Some Contracting Parties (CPs) wanted more clarity on the potential future topics under the UN vehicle agreements (1958, 1997 or 1998 Agreement) will be developed under. The secretariat highlighted this document is aimed at being a bottom-up from GRPE stakeholders that would then be discussed and coordinated during AC.2 sessions of WP.29.
10. GRPE edited GRPE-79-04-Rev.2 during the session and based on comments received from CPs not attending. GRPE agreed to submit the amended document to the next session of GRPE in January 2020 as an informal document (GRPE-80-04). The Chair proposed to present this document during the March 2020 session of WP.29 once GRPE had agreed on the content of the document.