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MR2: Proposal for Amendment 1
Document WP.29/2019/71
11 April 2019
Status: Adopted by WP.29
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4.15. | Proposal for Amendment 1 to Mutual Resolution No. 2 (M.R.2) Containing Vehicle Propulsion System Definitions

99. The Chair of GRPE introduced document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2019/71, explaining that the purpose of the amendment was to align the definition of “peripheral devices” with the one cited in UN GTR No. 15. The World Forum adopted the proposal for Amendment 1 to Mutual Resolution No.2 which contains Vehicle Propulsion System Definitions.

16. | Consideration of amendments to Mutual Resolution No. 2

148. Submitted for consideration and vote, the proposal for Amendment 1 to a Mutual Resolution No. 2 which contains Vehicle Propulsion Systems Definitions (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2019/71) was adopted on 28 June 2019 by consensus vote of the following contracting parties present and voting:

  1. Australia
  2. Canada
  3. European Union, representing
    • Cyprus
    • Finland
    • France
    • Germany
    • Hungary
    • Italy
    • Lithuania
    • Luxembourg
    • Netherlands
    • Romania
    • Slovakia
    • Slovenia
    • Spain
    • Sweden and
    • United Kingdom
  4. India
  5. Japan
  6. Kazakhstan
  7. Nigeria
  8. Norway
  9. Republic of Korea
  10. Russian Federation
  11. San Marino
  12. South Africa and
  13. the United States of America.

149. The representative from China abstained from voting.

Relates to MR 2: VPSD |