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Report on Automated Vehicle activities
Document GRSG-116-46
4 April 2019
Submitted by OICA
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
18. Exchange of views on View Automation

64. GRSG noted the information by the secretariat on the activities and priorities of WP.29 on automated and autonomous vehicles (GRSG-116-45), which supplements the information received under agenda item 17 (see paragraph 58 above). The expert from OICA reported on the status of work, the timeline for related activities and the challenges faced by GRVA on automated vehicles (GRSG-116-46).

65. Following a question from the expert of the United Kingdom, GRSG noted that WP.29/AC.2 would ensure the coordination of all activities related to vehicle automation between its subsidiary bodies (e.g. GRSG and GRVA) and that the Inland Transport Committee recently set up a WP.1–WP.29 Executive Task Force (ETF) to coordinate the related actions between the World Forum WP.29 and the Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety (WP.1).

66. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session based on a list of UN Regulations under the responsibility of GRSG that focus on the vehicle driver. Thus, the expert from OICA volunteered to prepare this list.

Relates to Automated Driving | DSSAD | UN R157 | UN R160 |